
Paper world


How to turn a corner of the room into a bizarre underwater world? With inspiration and silk paper!

Papier-mâché, a Frenchwoman, Maris Dugua, uses delicate silk paper in her work. After processing, it can become transparent, like the petals of daffodils, or dense and structural. No matter what density Maris chooses paper for his works, first of all, they amaze with the play of light and shadow.

"I can never predict in advance what I will do," - recognized by the French artist. Each new project for her is a new adventure.
Maris has a diploma in packaging design. Paper and glue, a little wire, sometimes a few brush strokes - that's all she needs to create her own fantasy world out of dumb, inexpressive paper.
Work orders are very diverse: from the Guerlain cosmetics concern for swaying orchids for the Pop-up-Store to fixtures and maxi-flowers for a private villa or vase with ornaments of coral and sponge-shaped lamps for the exhibition.
All the works of Maris are filled with poetry, light, tenderness and amaze with a wide variety of shades of white.
What is a source of inspiration for Maris? Long walks along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. There, right under her feet, she finds her "heroes" - fossils, sea urchins, shells.
How does she work? First he makes a wire frame, which then covers with many layers of paper, until a three-dimensional solid sculpture appears.
Some objects - flowers, jellyfish - Maris makes transparent with the help of many folds in which light is reflected.
The simplicity of the material and the dexterity of Maris’s fingers, but above all, the artist’s ability to see the beauty of the world around him leave no one indifferent.

Photo: Maris Dugua.
The material was prepared by Elena Karpova.
