


Introducing rebellious 3D fashion, because John Richmond's motto is based on three D: Destroy, Disorientate, Disorder ("Destroy, confuse, disrupt order").

John Richmond is a rock star in the fashion world: a lot of skin, a lot of sexuality and a minimum of color for a dramatic effect. How does his style "sound"? Record the band Joy Division, turn on the sound at full volume and close your eyes ...

His collections are sold without a trace on the most iconic fashion streets in Europe. His models are world famous celebrities (Mick Jagger, Madonna, Annie Lenox). The mini-empire of John, producing clothes and accessories with the Rich label, and more recently, perfume, was originally designed for such success.

The quality and style of the products of the British fashion designer, his amazingly cut fit, commitment to innovative materials, impeccable intuition as to what the “street” needs - all this made John Richmond one of the most iconic fashion designers. Having crossed the continent, most often it is exhibited in Milan.

The German edition of Burdastyle interviewed the Master.

How would you describe to a person unfamiliar with your work what you are doing?

I would turn on the music of David Bowie, Roxy Music, Sex Pistols, Joy Division and said: "Here I am, it inspired me." My fashion today is a mix of rock, punk, hip hop and electronic music.

What do the musician and designer have in common?

The ability to start from scratch and achieve results. Musicians and designers always inspire each other. It's like a chicken and an egg ...

How else is your hometown of Manchester manifested in your collections?

In the book of English photographer Kevin Cummins Looking For The Light Through The Pouring Rain ("In search of light through heavy rain") provides a fairly accurate description of Manchester's 70s. It was gray, it had very few colors and light. Therefore, I introduce color to my collections, only to achieve a dramatic effect.

And where does it all begin: with fabric, pattern or color?

I do not follow clear rules. Most often, first a sensation arises, then I

I come across suitable colors or fabrics.

Judging by your collections, you often combine different materials.

Yes, I always try to discover the relationship between different fabrics and styles and play with it. The same applies to all kinds of creativity, fashion, music, furniture ... My favorite material is the one that delights me at the moment. I am in constant search.

What do you especially like working with?

People associate skin with my name, and I constantly resort to it, so I probably most enjoy working with skin.

However, lately you have been using more transparent fabricsher.

Because they are great for fashion shows. Transparency is dramatic, but in everyday life it is not for everyone.

How important are contrasts for you?

I like surprises: take something ordinary and make something special out of it.

You also work a lot with innovative techniques, such as laser punching, and with the latest materials.

Innovations inspire me. They always moved fashion forward. Remember the 60s and 70s, when fashion was strongly influenced by new fabrics, threads or materials, such as polymers.

What do you especially like about your profession?

The continuous process of creating something new. I am always on the move and therefore I have no time to be bored. What I don't like is the very narrow time frame between collections. Musicians in this regard are easier. When they are not in shape, they can take a break or postpone the presentation of the album.

And you have to prepare a new collection every six months ...

Indeed, not just doing on command. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to find inspiration. But I admit, under pressure I usually work better. The closer the delivery dates, the better my ideas. To succeed, you just need to work hard.

And the more satisfaction you get when you meet a man in the street on clothes John richmond.

This is a fantastic feeling! Even better than seeing your own collection on the catwalk.

John Richmond was born and raised in Manchester, England. AT1982 graduated from the University of London in the year and immediately started his first collection, working in parallel withArmani, Joseph Tricot, Fiorucci. AT 1984 together with Maria Cornejo founded the first brand Richmond-cornejo. This collaboration ended in1987 year. In the same year there was a breakthrough: George Michael in the video for the song Faith appeared in a leather jacket fromJohn richmond destroy. WITH 1995 years, the brand develops three lines: John Richmond, Richmond X, Richmond Denim. AT2009 the first perfumes appeared in the year.


Material prepared by Elena Karpova
