
7 ways to make legs visually longer


Long legs are the dream of any woman, no matter what style of clothing she prefers. Even if you are the owner of luxurious slender legs, our tips will still come in handy!

It is traditionally believed that long can be called legs, which make up more than half of your height, medium - if they are approximately equal to half, and short - if they are less than half of your height.
Be that as it may, we have not long since wondered why long legs are beautiful? There is no reliable answer to this question. Perhaps the men of antiquity believed that this long-legged beauty in the skin would run faster than others and would be more likely to catch up with the mammoth or, conversely, rush off from the saber-toothed tiger? It may be so, but the fact remains - now with our beauty standards that have developed over the centuries, it seems that with long legs a female figure looks more proportional and attractive.
If it so happened that nature decided to reward you with other virtues, or if you believe that your legs are not too long, we offer you several proven ways to visually correct your legs.

1. High waist

It will work flawlessly, especially if you choose classic wide leg trousers on the floor or a little shorter. Visually shifting the line of the beginning of your waist, you win back a few cherished centimeters from nature.

2. Nude shoes

Neutral skin tones that blend in with your own skin tone will make your legs longer, because they don’t emphasize how dark shoes would make where they end.

3. Cropped top

A shortened jacket or jacket in combination with a top tucked into pants or a skirt will have the desired visual effect. You are again shifting the border of the beginning of your legs slightly above the natural line.

4. Pencil skirt + heel

An ideal choice would be a black, which means a slim, narrow skirt in combination with a heel of maximum height that is comfortable for you. The optimal length is just above or to the knees.

5. Maxi skirt

In principle, in this paragraph one could write “Mini Skirt” with the same success, since, from the point of view of achieving the desired effect, the action of super-short and very long skirts is approximately equal. Most importantly, avoid skirts that end in your calf area. This length conceals both the growth and the length of your legs.

6. Vertical stripes

Formally, the strip can even be one, the main thing is to set the desired vector, as if stretching your figure. It is best if only the bottom is striped, but the dresses work no worse.

7. Asymmetry

Do not underestimate the magic of asymmetry! Slightly revealing one and hiding the other, it creates an unusual effect, thanks to which your legs will appear longer to outsiders than they really are.
