
PMS - 3 letters controlling a woman


PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, but between friends it usually sounds just like 3 letters - PMS.

This is the name of the complex of symptoms that a woman experiences during the week before menstruation. With these three letters, women often justify their strange behavior - sudden tears or aggression, increased appetite, irritability, weakness and fatigue, and depression. A girlfriend will never reproach another for being rude if she knows that the incident occurred against the backdrop of PMS. Of course, a good friend should support in difficult times, but is silence and patience the best form of help?

Women and girls, it is very important that you do not put up with the manifestations of PMS! Today is the 21st century. Modern medicine has learned to do miracles, sometimes achieving incredible results. Does a woman have to endure this nightmare every month? Take control of the situation and start acting today!

Why we are pursued by PMS

It is established that in most cases the culprit of the expressed symptoms of PMS is an elevated level of the hormone prolactin. Its production and normal cyclically changes monthly, gradually increasing towards the end of each cycle. And with a violation of its production at the end of the cycle, the concentration becomes so high that it begins to affect the well-being of the woman.Emotional instability, uncontrolled appetite, fluid retention, pain in the mammary glands and lower abdomen - this is an incomplete list of manifestations of increased prolactin. Moreover, hyperprolactinemia is one of the leading causes of menstrual irregularities and infertility. And prolactin is to blame.

Step 1. Take the ICP test - it will help determine if your ICP is pronounced.

Step 2. In the case of severe PMS, consult a doctor. He will direct you to the examination and prescribe treatment.

To determine the level of prolactin, blood sampling is performed at 9-11 a.m., on the 5-7 day of the menstrual cycle. In case of deviations of the hormone content from the norm, a repeated (2-3 times) study is recommended.

The prolactin level is determined using a blood test, and there are modern methods of treatment to normalize it. Among them is the non-hormonal herbal medicine from Germany Cyclodinon®. It has a complex effect, aimed not only at combating the symptoms of PMS, but also at eliminating their causes. Cyclodinone® gently and gently reduces the secretion of prolactin, gradually leading to normal. Thanks to this, the drug normalizes the cycle and alleviates the symptoms of PMS. The emotional state is stabilizing, the severity of monthly pain in the mammary glands and abdomen is gradually reduced.

In order to achieve and consolidate the positive effect, long-term treatment with Cyclodinone is necessary - at least 3 months without interruption in menstruation.But its reception is quite simple - only once a day. It is recommended to take the drug in the morning, which is associated with daily fluctuations in the production of prolactin.

I am happy and beautiful

When prolactin is under control, you no longer need to wait with horror for PMS symptoms or guess what day your period will begin. If the cycle is regular and you feel normal, you can do what you want - to plan important things and entertainment, confidently build a career and relationships. Finally, women can feel happy and beautiful on any day of the cycle.

If a friend is in a difficult situation because of PMS, advise her to consult a doctor. Inspire her with the belief that life can and should be better, and there are means for this. Here is a real friendly deed!


Watch the video: Discussing Your Period,esp. in Relationships (September 2024).